Saturday 27 February 2016

Love : It Just Not Meant To Be,You and Me!!!

I just got heart broken by a girl and its her second time she had managed to done it, the first was on 2nd January 2014 and the second time was today. We started our relationship on 31st January 2013 and it ends on 2nd January 2014 and after that its been complicated until now. But today,28th February 2016 she done it again. Hehehe. She is really amazing, and I knew it from the first time I ever laid my eyes on her. That is why I loved her in the first place. Even now after all she had done to me, I still loved her. Urgh, I don't know why I can't move on like other people. Feel really frustrated because I stopped being a playboy and started loving a girl for real that time.
    Even in our couple time, its been really tough and I think that was the reason why we broke up. The first reason was there were too many haters and too many people do not like our relationship and I think it was because I was so popular in high school even now after I graduated I;m still popular at my high school XD. I was popular because a lot of teachers liked me because I was a student role modal and got a title of 'The Last Malaysian Boy" and I was also popular among all the students because I was the type to greet people and I like making new friends.Because of that, I made many girls liking me without even knowing in the process. "Urgh" I wish they knew that I only want to make friends.
   Eventually I got to control that problem. Then another problem came I  really PISSED because of that one hater I called DemonDevill(DD). What making me furious was DD was a best friend of my girlfriend(GF). WOW. WTF. What a drama. I think she liked me and I think that was why she always making stupid SHITs about me for example at one time she told my GF that I cheated on her, fortunately she checked first and did not get furious at me about it. AND its TRUE that i DID'nT cheated on her because I REALLY LOVE HER WITH ALL MY HEART and I even met her parents for crying out loud and even stopped being a player too.. Why when I tried to changed for a better person but have a mountain to climb. "Hmm.." That is life I guess. Our relationship still okay even after that but I really cannot forget about that DD. She ruined everything. Because of her our relationship just last for 11 months where it could have become years or even decades.
   2nd January 2014,our love, hope and relationship ruined and my world had turned upside down and my personality changed and it was liked I was a different person. Just the thought of her leaving had never crossed my mind and when it happened I was crushed. 2014 was also the year that I took my SPM test and thank God I got good grades. After we broke up, it was not the same between us. I just could not accepted it and I tried to kill myself many times because of the pressures but I'm glad I'm still alive right now. We don't even talk to each other, exchange messages like we used to and we didn't looked at each other. It was really a painful experience for me and I don't want to experience it ever again so I decided to stop seeing girls and stopped falling in love. I just want her to be mine but the world said otherwise I guess(Tears Falling). I think I deserved it for playing around with girls heart.
   That was the first time she hurt me the second time was today. When she officially declared that she moved on. I was devastated when reading her post about it. I admitted that I almost cry(ALMOST okay). Even she didn't do it on purpose, she still hurts me. Even that, I still miss her, I still love her and I can't forget her. I don't want to forget her. (#crying inside #curse you world). Hope I can move on anytime soon and find myself a girl that really loves me for whom I am like how she loved me then or even more than that.
   That's all from me THANKS for reading guys :3 Hope your love story is not as dramatic as mine XD.

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