Thursday, 4 February 2016

DRG(Diagnostic Related Group)

     Hi guys,I'm gonna tell you about the DRG. But first i'm gonna tell u why i made this post. Well,because i have a test tomorrow so i decided to post it while remembering,understanding and give some information about the DRG to my readers.
                                                   What is DRG??

DRG is derived from all diagnosis and procedure that listed in the ICD-9-CM and its purpose is for budgeting,managed care contracts,physicians profiling and determining hospital's Case Mix index. With the DRG system, it can accurately give information to the hospital to keep control of their budgeting so the company will not overspending or underspending the budget to keep the company running. Like using the budget for upgrading a service that has a lot of customers and reducing the cost use for an underrating services.

                                                     Categorising the DRG?

This system can be categories into 4, the first is 25MDCs (Major Diagnostic Categories). It is important for the hospital to know about a major diseases diagnosed at the hospital like X hospital has many patients diagnosed with Aedes. With this, the hospital can tell that it needs a lot supplies for Aedes's medications. The Second is for reviewing and making statistic on how many patients need to go for medical or surgical for a month. The Third is the corresponding to a single organ system. For example the Nervous system, Cardiovascular system and Urinary system. Lastly, Number of DRG(with a total of 767 of DRG for FY11).

                                                      DRG Assignment?

The DRG assignment is based on the patients' Diagnosis.Procedures and the patient's Particulars(Age,Sex n such). Each DRG has a relative weight of(for example DRG 001-26.34). The Higher Weight is equal to the Greatness of its Resource Consumption and it is used to calculate the Reimbursement for hospitals.
>>> Reimbursement = Hospital Base Rate x DRG weight.

                                                     DRG Computation?

There are 2types, first is the GROUPER. It is a program or module that takes 5 demographic data elements as Input and gives corresponding as Output. The Second group is the DRG DRIVERS(Patients). Based on Principal Diagnosis,Secondary Diagnosis(CC or MCC), Principle Procedure, Sex and Discharge status(Home/Transferred to other hospital/Mortality or Died).

      Well, that is all about the DRG and i hope my readers could better understand the DRG system especially the student who take the course of Information and Management like me. DRG is very important for the sake of a hospital or company to survive. Thanks for reading guys.... I hope it helps..

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